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Three Days Of Waffle House Hell...
My roommate and I were absolutely desperate for jobs so
we decided to buy some time before we could obtain "real" jobs by going to work for the WAFFLE HOUSE. On day one we were given so much paper work that you would have thought we working for the government or something.
Basically they were covering their asses to be sure nobody could later sue them. At this time they also let you know that
if you ever have any problems BOB the owner wants to know about them so much so that he encourages you to call him at home.
You will later see the realavence in this.
Pretty much everyone knows that the Waffle House has fresh coffee and really good
waffles... they don't even consider the pancake as being part of the food chain.... but did you also know that the waffle
house is also known for it's heavy turn over rate? Let's examin why...
Little known Waffle House Facts:
T stands for chili at the waffle house.
It takes 3 Waffle House employees to change
a roll of toilet paper in the Waffle House restroom.
The sign outside the Waffle House that says
"Now Hiring" actually means "come ride the short bus"
D stands for Tomatoes at the Waffle House.
You will never hear anyone at the Waffle House
say.... "If you have time to lean you have time to clean."
The Waffle House is Yellow and small because
it is modled after the short bus....This makes the employees feel more at home.
The Waffle House employees pay $2.00 each time they work in order to eat as much Waffle
House food as they want.... even if they do not eat anything... Of course all of the good food excluded from this benefit
and most of them only make $2.13 an hour.
Day 3: I arrived at work on time
as usual... The MEGABITCH must have been on her period because she was even bitchier than usual. Five minutes into my shift
she proved once again to be the equivelant of a stupid chimpanzee. She could not think of anything to teach me so she insisted
that I read the menu over and over. Knowing that reading the menu would be of no use to me what so ever since I had already
memorized it, I took it upon myself to actually try and learn something that would make me a more productive employee and
began taking insturction from another waitress. The MEGABITCH became enraged and began crying and screaming at the top of
her lungs. Why doesn't anyone respect me? Why? Why? Why? Thinking this was immature and uncalled for I went into the back
room to watch my training videos as instructed by her superior. She ranted for another 30 minutes in front of God and
everybody before she came into the back room to once again prove her ignorance by challanging me to fist fight in the parking
lot. I respectfully declined the invite in hopes of saving my job even though I would have loved nothing more at that point
than to slam her head repeatedly into the parking lot hoping it would knock some sense into her. She then slapped
me in the face with a menu not once but twice.... this is when I really should have been deemed employee of the month because
I still refused to kick her ass. I think by now you have an idea of how desperate I was to keep my job. The assistant manager
informed me that this was not the first time the MEGABITCH had lost her mind. The entire staff seemed to be on my side.
Unfortunately it was the managers day off. When I got off work I went home and decided to call the manager after all on day
one I was told they wanted to know. The manager then told me I was fired. She said it was not up to her but up to the owner
BOB who was aware of what was going on. She agreed that the MEGABITCH was out of control and needed training as to how to
train others. She said the MEGABITCH was the only employee that knew how to do things "The Waffle House Way" therefore she
was indespensible. I decided to then call BOB personally and see if he even knew what had happened to me.... and guess
what BOB never called me back. BOB does not care.... and is obviously stupid.... because that is just bad business... and
that my friends is why the Waffle House has such a heavy turnover rate. Now I know some of you are thinking... she should
have just read the menu.... and none of this would have happened... and maybe you are right... maybe I should have... but
if I could do any one thing over again I would have kicked her ass in the parking lot because somebody should.