My So Called Family

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Mom and Dad and Baby Me

I am not sure what you expected this section to be about, but it is about none other than my crazy disfunctional FAMILY... You will see exacatly what I mean by the time you are finished with this section.

For more of my own background be sure to check out the section titled Child of Society. Thank you.

Okay this is my dear old mom and dad. They got married when mom was 16 and dad was 24. Dad had been to vietnam and has some pretty serious mental problems. He had lots of affairs and when my mom turned 18 and had me he even brought another woman to the hospital with him to visit. I was born in a home for unwed mothers even though my mom was married because they could not afford the medical bills and also because my father wanted me to be an abortion. So I kind of lucked out for a little while. Anyway by the time I turned 6 they split and mom took off. I had not had any contact with her again until she called me at 23. I actually thought maybe she was dead or something. She had left three children including myself with my dad and as it turned out she ran off and had three others with some other guy she married. We simply did not exist. Dad had a lot of problems as I mentioned before and eventually he ended up in prison and we ended up in all sorts of state ran agencys ranging from foster homes to reform schools. Upon his release from prison he became homeless. We remained in contact for the next several years, but unfortunately I think he has passed away as I have not heard from him in 8 years now. My mother and I are not close at all, however I am close to my youngest sister whom I would not have known had she not made contact so I am thankful for that.
UPDATE: Because of a horrible turn of events my little sister and I are no longer speaking and I have no contact what so ever with my family. June 2002

This picture of my boys is about 7 years old.

These are my boys Jayson and Austin. They are the light of my life even though they are more than a handful at times to deal with. There is not one thing I would change about the past if it would mean they would not exist. I think the best part of my family is the up and coming generation.

Brothers Bill and Dustin

These are my brothers Dustin (in back) and Bill in the front. Bills name is really Damian, but he changed it to Bill when he was 16 so we all call him that. Dustin is Bi-Polar and not on medication so we all pretty much avoid him unless we have to talk to him and then it is like walking on eggshells. He has a girlfriend though and she seems to be able to handle it so far. Mom thinks Dustin and Bill both are the best thing since sliced bread. I think mom needs a reality check, but who am I to judge.

Me and my family at the park

Here Tammy Shane and I are at the park. This was taken shortly before the divorce. Tammy and Shane are the ones on the rock and me I am in the red dress. As you can see I am the only one out of 6 kids with dark hair. I figure the rest of them are adopted. I dont think I could be that lucky.

Kinzer and James the newest additions

These are my nephews Kinzer (Dez's) on the left and James (Tammy's) on the right. I actually picked out Kinzers name. It is kind of cool having babies in the family again. Finally I get to spoil someone elses kid and also pay them back for all the noise makers they have brought into my house over the years. Being an Aunt is the next best thing to being a mom.

Tammy and Dez along with me.

Us three girls... Tammy in the purple and Dez in the hat and I in the back usually have fun when we are together. Dez and I are especially close. Tammy is married to a guy that really doesnt like the rest of us so I dont have any pictures of him. He is real picky. He got mad just because we stuck a suction cup to baby Jimmys head. Geeezzz.

Shane Tammy Jayson and me.

The man in this photo is my other brother Shane. Shane is so bitter about the past that he doesnt speak to any of us except for Tammy once in a while because the two of them were raised together at an aunts house. He has never met the younger three. He will not talk to me because I talk to them. How stupid is that? He is 30 years old. I think it is high time he grew up.

Family you can't live with them and you can't kill them.