My Poetry

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Abstract photo of myself created by myself.

So you have made it to my artistic area. Wow you must really be either interested or bored. Anyway this poetry was all writen while in distress and or broken hearted so If you are sitting there with a gun in your mouth or anything like that... well maybe you should stop reading now and perhaps pick up a phone and call someone.


Thump Thump goes my heart..
I must be alive.
But wait!
I'm not livng anymore,
When it's a struggle to survive.
I want to hope,
I want to feel,
I want to laugh and play..
I want to dance in the rain,
On a hot summers day.
I want to watch my children giggle
And wrestle around my feet.
Instead of dreaming of dead babies..
Washed up on the beach.
Sometimes I feel Life has been
A complex living hell.
The people who have it easy
Are in a padded cell.
I have to walk and carry on.
Go through Life alone,
And prey each day with all my strength
That God will take me home.
I'm NOT insane!
I feel MY PAIN.


Don't you know I was meant to be free?
There is more in this world..
Than just you and me.
You watch me constantly,
Like guarding a possesion.
You're killing me slowly..
With your twisted obsession.
You say you love me,
And if that is true..
Why do you restrain me..
The way that you do?
I have a voice!
I need to be heard...
I want conversation,
Not only a word.
The love you have for me,
It can't be real,
Because if you loved me...
I wouldn't feel how I feel.

June 2000


I'll take your hand in my hand,
Let me guide the way.
We will walk together slowly,
Just living for the day.
I will make you feel so special,
And then be on my way.

I will take your fondest dreams,
And make them all come true.
I will do it just by saying,
Honey I love you.
One day when I am gone,
Your sorrows will set in.
The pain will be so devistating,
It will seem to never end.

Your heart will turn to stone,
And your tears will soon subside.
The pain will still be there,
Just burried deep inside.
I may not be an angel after all,
But then there are some angels,
Who lose their wings and fall.

Kill Yourself Then!
You say you want to kill yourself, because you're in so much pain. I guess I question why you wait, just put a bullet in your brain. It's your death no matter how you do it... just pull the trigger BOOM your dead! There is really not much to it. So why the hesitation? You don't give a fuck and death is your destination. Go get a knife... slash your wrist, bleed all over and swim with the fish. Take some pills... make yourself sick. Purposely get aides from some junkie chic. Tie a rope around your neck, Go for it dude... what the heck! So what if you hurt the ones who care. When you're in your caskette they will be there. What do you care if they cry and want you back, hopefully they will all have something in black. Not me though, I will wear red, representing anger and hatred instead. You are such a coward, you may as well do it... take the easy way out instead of working through it. Just know one thing... You could have been great if you had chosen life instead of hell as your fate. And when you are burning in firey flames I hope that for eternity you remember our names. We all wanted to help you but you didn't care... You are the one who put yourself there. Fuck You Dan.. I have enough dead friends!

"The heart is the most expensive thing that can be broken".