Significant People

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I have heard people say you can tell a lot about a person based on the company they keep. If this is true, I am happy to say that I have some of the coolest people both on and offline to call my friends.

Jayson and Austin

These two little men are the two most significant people in my life.  Even though things did not work out with my ex-husband I have never once regretted having them in my life.  I never imagined how someone so small could end up being such an important part of everyday life.


This is Lori. I have known her for over 15 years... NO we are NOT lovers.... but she is single and looking.
Update: Lori and I got into a fight and are no longer talking. It's for the best.
This is James & his daughter. I don't really know why I am even putting him on this page really because even though I though he and I had a friendship he turned out to be nothing more than the cliche player... I guess he is significant though because I WASTED 3 years of my life on him. He was married the entire time.. Ladies in the KC area beware!!!
My grandma Mini
Here I am with my grandmother. She was always there for me but unfortunately she passed away in 1993. I would like to think she is my guardian angel. God knows I could use one, that's for sure. I am putting her here because she was very significant even though she was family.
Barb and her daughter Jaris
This is another picture of Barb without her cool shades look along with her daughter Jaris. Jaris says she hopes she is cool as I am when she grows up. lol I think she already is. Barb has two other kids via her husband Ron that are just a precious as Jaris. I will add them later.

Three Little Monkeys Jumping On the Bed

Okay.. These are my boys Jayson and Austin along with Jaris Barbs kid. Jaris has a huge crush on Jay but he thinks she is gross.... I have a feeling he will one day regret this.
Click here to see more of Bryan
This is my friend Bryan, he is a very talented musician and is well known in the Christian music scene. He is also a missionary in Africa where he is really working to make a difference. Check out his site to hear his music and to find out more about him.

For some reason my friend Sean does not want his picture on here so I am respecting his wishes.
 Sean is significant because he has a special way of looking at things that makes me feel better most of the time. I imagine that Anyone who knows him has to see what I see in him.... I am really happy to have him in my life. There are people you can live with and people you can't live without... Sean would be the later of the two... He truly is my best friend and I love him dearly.

My friend T. She is the one I confide in when I have the urge for Girl Talk. LOL  And yes by the way she is single. LOL

This is Frank. Even though our relationship didn't work out, he is still on this page because I learned alot from him. I  only hope that one day we will be able to be friends.
Update: Frank and I are now friends Thank God. The band that he is in (seconds after) is getting ready to go on tour. He is an amazing guitar player. I wish him all the best.
Me on the right... 2 bullys on the left.
Here I am with my friends playing in the pool. I am the one trying to get out of the pool being bullied by my friend who's name also happens to be Angie. No wonder I turned out to be so anti-social.
This is me and my Buddy Quinton... he is like the little brother I always wished I had... Ladies he is 21 and single... but I must warn you he has serious issues... it's all good though. LOL
This is my little sister Dez.
This is my baby sister DEZ.. We are 14 years apart.  At the moment we are not speaking to one another for very complicated reasons but even so I love her and wish we could be friends again.
This is my nephew Kinzer(Dez's Kid). He is such a little smartie and has brought a lot of joy into our lives even though he was very unexpected. I have not been able to see him either because of the above.
My Buddy Bill and his crazy rat thing
This is my buddy Bill. He was a habitual liar and I was the radio master. Need I say more?


This is Dan. Dan is what I would refer to as Fnord. If you don't know what that is, you really should look it up. It is quite interesting really.
This is one of my closest friends Ben with my son Jayson.
This is my friend Ben. He and I actually met online because he signed my guestbook about 5 years ago when I had a webtv, and we have been friends ever since. He is pretty crazy most of the time and really knows how to make a person smile even when they are feeling down. Below is a photo of his daughter Sarafina.
This is my friend Barb also known as Kinda_sassy. She and I also Known as Silly-Sexy-Me started a revolution when it came to chatting back when I had a webtv. Were are best friends in real life and also on the net. We met through our kids and even since then life has been crazy.
This is me and my best friend in Highschool. His name was Paul and we ran around doing all kinds of crazy stuff and got into tons of trouble. Nothing major.. I mean okay we never killed anyone. At the time Paul was wanting to be a musician and I was to design the costumes they would wear on stage.
My Friend Falicia
This is my best friend in College. Her family like my own. Falicia was really cool in a lot of ways and taught me a great deal about what it is like to be black although it is impossible for me to really know. We took a trip to Dallas that was unforgettable. We lost contact when I got married and moved away. :(

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