Webcam Photos!

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Got a foot fetish? Well I don't, but thought I would take a picture of it anyway I mean because how often do you see your own foot. I know what you are thinking and no I am not adding pictures of other things I don't see often.... geezz. You can see my foot and other pictures below. I am kind of a silly girl with many many looks and I am changing them all the time. I love hats and wigs and all that other so called frilly stuff... it is just fun.. and sometimes even exciting. :)

Okay I confess this is a wig... but I am growing my hair out like this... 1-16-2002

Most of the pictures have mouse over captions so be sure to check those out while you're at it.

I like Brown sugar and cinnamin poptarts the best.
Oh my Gawd It's true! I am starting to look like my mother. lol 8-13-01
Sometimes it's fun being in control. :)
I am Angie... the good witch lol
My turban look I sometimes wear this look to get back at my children for everything they put me through.
Look at my foot.

You gotta love Jay.. LOL

Freedom... Is that not the ultimate goal... to be free.
Jayson strikes a pose for the webcam :)

The only thing that can not be taken from you are your dreams.
Just messing around with the webcam again lol
All I am saying.... Is give peace a chance....
I am not single per say... I am more romantically challanged.
Austin and I are very close. He is the baby at age 7.
Life is just a bowl of Cherrys so what happens if you don't like fruit?
Jayson and I showing our teeth LOL
Jayson is just like me in so many ways it is scary even!
Austin hates mashed potatoes lol
Just because curious minds want to know lol

My dream is like most peoples. I would like to find my soulmate.... But have not had much luck.
Ever wonder what us girls go through sometimes?... I love playing dress up lol
I think this one is kind of cute ... what do you think? lol
I think this 1950's style dryer is a little over-rated.
I think I am going to sell this on ebay even though it is somewhat theraputic.
I swear, He really is a happy child for the most part.
How dare you confuse me for a terrorist!
My Baby is so cool.
As you can tell Austin is always happy to have his picture taken.

Okay so maybe we got just a touch carried away. I can't say that it wasn't fun because it was. I designed all of the pictures here using a cheap webcam which you can get at any Walmart for about 20.00 or so. It was really easy to do and trust me when I say you don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure it out.

Hey... I am adding some new photos.. so be sure to check out the new photo page!